Opportunity cost sayings

1. "Every decision has an opportunity cost."

2. "Opportunity cost is the price of the road not taken."

3. "Choosing one option means giving up another; that's opportunity cost."

4. "Opportunity cost is the value of the next best alternative."

5. "Don't forget to consider the opportunity cost before making a decision."

6. "Opportunity cost is the hidden cost of decision-making."

7. "Opportunity cost is the measure of what you sacrifice for what you choose."

8. "Opportunity cost is the trade-off we face in every choice we make."

9. "Opportunity cost reminds us that resources are limited and choices have consequences."

10. "Opportunity cost is the cost of opportunities foregone."

Above is Opportunity cost sayings.

Good loyalty sayings

1. Loyalty is a two-way street. If I'm asking for it from you, then you're getting it from me. - Harvey Specter2. True loyalty is rare. If you find it, keep it. 3. Loyalty is not just a word, it's a lifestyle.4. Loyalty is the strongest glue which makes a relationship last for a lifetime.5.

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1. Welcome to our home, where love and laughter never end.2. Enter as strangers, leave as friends.3. Home is where the heart is, so welcome to ours.4. May all who enter as guests leave as friends.5. Step into our home and feel the warmth of our welcome.6. Welcome to our happy place.7. C

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