Organ donation quotes sayings

1. "Don't take your organs to heaven, heaven knows we need them here." - Unknown

2. "Organ donation is not a tragedy, but it can be a beautiful light in the midst of one." - Unknown

3. "The greatest gift you can give someone is the gift of life through organ donation." - Unknown

4. "Don't let your organs go to waste, donate and give the gift of life." - Unknown

5. "Organ donation is the ultimate act of kindness and selflessness." - Unknown

6. "Your organs have the power to save lives even after you're gone. Be a hero, be an organ donor." - Unknown

7. "The decision to donate your organs can give someone else the gift of a second chance at life." - Unknown

8. "Organ donation is a powerful way to leave a lasting legacy of love and compassion." - Unknown

9. "Don't just make a living, make a difference. Register as an organ donor today." - Unknown

10. "The best part of you can live on in someone else. Register to be an organ donor and give the gift of life." - Unknown

Above is Organ donation quotes sayings.

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