Other sayings like wing it

1. Play it by ear

2. Shoot from the hip

3. Fly by the seat of your pants

4. Make it up as you go along

5. Go with the flow

6. Improvise

7. Make do

8. Figure it out on the fly

9. Take a leap of faith

10. Trust your instincts

Above is Other sayings like wing it.

Greek slang sayings

1. Δεν παίζει (Den pezi) - It doesn't play: Used to express disbelief or skepticism.2. Κάνει πλάκα (Kanei plaka) - It's joking: Used to indicate that someone is kidding or not being serious.3. Τα 'χω δει όλα (Ta 'ho dei ola) - I've seen it all: Used to convey that someone is experienced or has

Famous grumpy old man sayings

1. Get off my lawn!2. Back in my day...3. I remember when...4. Kids these days have no respect.5. When I was your age...6. I'm too old for this.7. In my day, we didn't have all these fancy gadgets.8. Don't make me come over there.9. I've seen it all.10. I don't have time for nonse

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Cute rustic sayings

1. Live simply, love deeply.2. Home is where the heart is.3. Bloom where you are planted.4. Cherish the simple things in life.5. Let your light shine.6. Rustic charm, modern heart.7. Simplify, simplify, simplify.8. Take the road less traveled.9. Find joy in the journey.10. Embrace

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Don rickles famous sayings

Don Rickles, known as the Merchant of Venom, was famous for his sharp wit and comedic insults. Some of his most famous sayings include:1. I take the audience for a ride, but I don't hit below the belt.2. You throw your best punch, otherwise don't do it.3. I don't practice; I don't rehearse. I

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Other sayings for hands on

- Get your hands dirty- Roll up your sleeves- Dive in- Get stuck in- Put your hands to work- Jump in with both hands- Get hands-on- Get down to business- Get to grips with- Get your hands on the wheel

Birthday cake sayings for 25th

1. Cheers to 25 years!2. A quarter of a century old and still fabulous!3. 25 and thriving!4. Happy 25th Birthday – may your day be as special as you are!5. Celebrating a quarter of a century of awesomeness!6. Wishing you 25 more years of happiness and success!7. You're a quarter of a ce

Sayings attributed to jesus crossword

Here are some sayings attributed to Jesus that could be used in a crossword puzzle:1. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.2. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.3. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.4. I am the way, the truth,