Ozarks sayings and

1. "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." - This saying means that you can't turn something of low quality into something of high quality.

2. "He's as stubborn as a Missouri mule." - This saying refers to someone who is very stubborn and unwilling to change their mind.

3. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch." - This saying advises against assuming something will happen before it actually does.

4. "She's as pretty as a peach in June." - This saying is used to describe someone who is very attractive.

5. "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." - This saying implies that it is difficult to change someone's habits or behavior, especially if they are set in their ways.

6. "He's got more nerve than a toothache." - This saying describes someone who is bold or daring.

7. "It's colder than a well digger's belt buckle in January." - This saying emphasizes how cold the weather is.

8. "She's got a heart as big as the Ozarks." - This saying praises someone for their kindness and generosity.

9. "He's as happy as a pig in mud." - This saying describes someone who is content and satisfied.

10. "You can take the boy out of the Ozarks, but you can't take the Ozarks out of the boy." - This saying highlights the strong connection people have to their roots and upbringing.

Above is Ozarks sayings and.

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