P t barnum sayings

P.T. Barnum, the famous American showman and circus owner, was known for his colorful personality and clever marketing tactics. Here are some of his famous sayings:

1. "The noblest art is that of making others happy."

2. "There's a sucker born every minute."

3. "Fortune always favors the brave, and never helps a man who does not help himself."

4. "Without promotion, something terrible happens... nothing!"

5. "The foundation of success in life is good health: that is the substratum fortune; it is also the basis of happiness."

6. "Money is in some respects life's fire: it is a very excellent servant, but a terrible master."

7. "Every crowd has a silver lining."

8. "The best kind of charity is to help those who are willing to help themselves."

9. "The road to wealth is, as Dr. Franklin truly says, 'as plain as the road to the mill.' It consists simply in expending less than we earn."

10. "Whatever you do, do it with all your might."

Above is P t barnum sayings.

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