Pashto sayings

1. زه خوشحاله چې زه خوب کولی شم

Translation: I am happy that I am able to do good.

2. د خوبی د کله څوک څوک دی

Translation: Goodness is in small things.

3. د خدای د خوبی په خوب کې دی

Translation: Goodness is in God's hands.

4. د خوبی د خوب کې دی

Translation: Goodness is in goodness itself.

5. د خوبی د خوب کې پېژندل شوی

Translation: Goodness is recognized by goodness.

Above is Pashto sayings.

Friend is someone who don't ask they volunteer sayings

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1. A dog is a man's best friend.2. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.3. Every dog has its day.4. In the doghouse.5. Barking up the wrong tree.6. Let sleeping dogs lie.7. Dog tired.8. The tail wagging the dog.9. Gone to the dogs.10. Love me, love my dog.

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