Sayings mothers day catd

1. "To the world you may be one person, but to me you are the world. Happy Mother's Day!"

2. "Thanks for always being there to listen, to love, and to support. Happy Mother's Day!"

3. "You are the heart of our family, the glue that holds us together. Happy Mother's Day!"

4. "You are my rock, my confidante, my biggest cheerleader. Happy Mother's Day!"

5. "A mother's love is like no other, pure and unconditional. Thank you for everything. Happy Mother's Day!"

6. "You are the epitome of strength, grace, and love. Happy Mother's Day!"

7. "Thank you for all the sacrifices you've made and the love you've given. Happy Mother's Day!"

8. "You are not just a mother, you are a superhero in disguise. Happy Mother's Day!"

9. "Your love is the light that guides me through the darkest days. Happy Mother's Day!"

10. "You are the embodiment of love, kindness, and wisdom. Happy Mother's Day!"

Above is Sayings mothers day catd.

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