Pentacostal sayings about god's heling

1. "By His stripes, we are healed." - Isaiah 53:5

2. "God is our healer and our strength in times of trouble." - Psalm 46:1

3. "The power of God's healing is greater than any sickness or disease."

4. "God's healing touch brings restoration and wholeness to our bodies and souls."

5. "Through faith and prayer, we receive God's miraculous healing."

6. "God's healing is not limited by human understanding or medical science."

7. "In God's presence, there is healing and restoration for all who seek Him."

8. "God's healing is a testimony of His love and compassion for His children."

9. "God's healing is a manifestation of His power and glory in our lives."

10. "With God, all things are possible, including complete healing and restoration."

Above is Pentacostal sayings about god's heling.

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