Persevere sayings

1. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

2. "Fall seven times, stand up eight."

3. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

4. "The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible."

5. "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."

6. "Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations."

7. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."

8. "The only way to finish is to start."

9. "Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going."

10. "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will."

Above is Persevere sayings.

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1. You light up my world like nobody else.2. You're the missing piece to my puzzle.3. I fall for you more and more every day.4. You're my favorite hello and hardest goodbye.5. You make my heart skip a beat.6. I love you more than words can express.7. You're my sunshine on a cloudy day.

Cute sayings for her in chinese

1. 你是我心中的星星,闪耀着无尽的光芒。(You are the star in my heart, shining with endless light.)2. 你是我生命中最美丽的风景,让我心动不已。(You are the most beautiful scenery in my life, making my heart beat faster.)3. 你的笑容如阳光般温暖,让我感到幸福无比。(Your smile is as warm as sunshine, making me feel incredibly happy.)4. 你是我生命中的宝藏,让我感到无比珍惜。(You a