Pinterest funny holiday sayings

Here are some funny holiday sayings that you might enjoy:

1. "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, but if the white runs out, I'll drink the red."

2. "Dear Santa, I've been good all year. Well, most of the time. Once in a while. Never mind, I'll buy my own presents."

3. "All I want for Christmas is for someone to do all my Christmas shopping for me."

4. "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear... or just buying everyone wine."

5. "I'm dreaming of a beach Christmas, with a pina colada in my hand and sand between my toes."

6. "Christmas calories don't count, right? Asking for a friend."

7. "I'm only a morning person on December 25th."

8. "The elf on the shelf is watching you... so you better be good for goodness sake, or at least be sneaky."

9. "I'm dreaming of a stress-free Christmas, where all the gifts are already wrapped and the cookies bake themselves."

10. "Christmas is the season when you buy this year's gifts with next year's money."

Feel free to use these sayings for your holiday celebrations or share them on Pinterest for some laughs!

Above is Pinterest funny holiday sayings.

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