Pittsburghese sayings

Here are some common Pittsburghese sayings:

1. "Yinz" - This is a colloquial way of saying "you all" or "you guys."

2. "Dahn" - This means "down" and is often used to refer to going downtown or to a specific location.

3. "Jagoff" - This is a derogatory term used to describe someone who is annoying or foolish.

4. "Nebby" - This means nosy or overly curious.

5. "Redd up" - This means to clean up or tidy up a space.

6. "Gumband" - This is another word for a rubber band.

7. "Slippy" - This means slippery, often used to describe icy or wet conditions.

8. "Yinz guys" - This is a combination of "yinz" and "you guys," commonly used to address a group of people.

9. "Kennywood's open" - This is a phrase used to indicate that someone is not very bright or is a bit slow.

10. "Yinz goin' dahntahn?" - This means "Are you going downtown?" and is a common question in Pittsburgh.

Above is Pittsburghese sayings.

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