Plastic wine glasses with funny sayings

Here are some funny sayings that could be printed on plastic wine glasses:

1. "Wine improves with age, I improve with wine."

2. "Wine a little, laugh a lot."

3. "Sip happens."

4. "Wine o'clock somewhere."

5. "I'm outdoorsy... I drink wine on the patio."

6. "Wine a bit, you'll feel better."

7. "Wine is my spirit animal."

8. "Wine a little, it'll make you feel better."

9. "Wine is cheaper than therapy."

10. "I make pour decisions."

These sayings can add a touch of humor and fun to your plastic wine glasses for any occasion.

Above is Plastic wine glasses with funny sayings.

Christian mother's day sayings

1. A mother's love is a reflection of God's love for us.2. Blessed is the mother who walks with God.3. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of mothers who guide us in faith.4. Mothers are a precious gift from heaven above.5. God could not be everywhere, so He created mothers.6. A mother's faith

Don't be ashamed sayings

1. I am a work in progress, and that's okay.2. Mistakes are proof that I am trying.3. I may not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday.4. I embrace my imperfections, they make me unique.5. I am worthy of love and acceptance, just as I am.6. I am learning and growing every day.

Funny easter bunny sayings

1. Hoppy Easter, everybunny!2. Some bunny loves you!3. Don't worry, be hoppy!4. Hare's to a great Easter!5. Easter eggs-pect the unexpected!6. I'm all ears for Easter!7. Why did the Easter Bunny hide the eggs? Because he didn't want anyone to egg-nore them!8. Easter: the only time it'

Funniest sayings about husbands

1. Husbands are like fine wine, they get better with age... but they still need to be kept in the cellar.2. A husband is someone who takes out the trash and then complains about the smell.3. Behind every successful woman is a bewildered husband.4. Husbands are like pancakes, you have to throw

Granddaughter sayings or poems

Here are a few granddaughter sayings and poems that you may like:1. A granddaughter is a precious gift, a bundle of joy and love that brings light into our lives.2. Granddaughters are like flowers in the garden of life, bringing beauty and happiness wherever they go.3. To my granddaughter, you

Minimalist sayings

1. Less is more.2. Simplify to amplify.3. Quality over quantity.4. Embrace the essentials.5. Live with intention.6. Clear the clutter, clear the mind.7. Find joy in simplicity.8. Let go of what doesn't serve you.9. Focus on what truly matters.10. Keep it simple, but significant.

Abortion protest sayings

1. Choose life, not death.2. Every life is precious, no matter how small.3. Abortion stops a beating heart.4. Love them both: mother and child.5. Life begins at conception.6. Adoption, not abortion.7. Protect the innocent, defend the unborn.8. A person's a person, no matter how small.

Posh french sayings

1. C'est la vie - Such is life2. Joie de vivre - Joy of living3. Bon appétit - Enjoy your meal4. Chacun voit midi à sa porte - Everyone sees noon at their own door (meaning everyone has their own perspective)5. L'art de vivre - The art of living6. Savoir-faire - Knowing how to do things

Sayings about serenity

1. Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be. - Wayne Dyer2. Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm. - Unknown3. In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you. - Deepak Chopra4. The

Chultan sayings

I'm not familiar with any specific Chultan sayings. Chult is a fictional jungle region in the Dungeons & Dragons universe, so there may be some made-up phrases or expressions associated with that setting. If you have any specific phrases or sayings in mind, feel free to share them with me and I can