Poems and sayings to thank your parents

1. "To my parents, my guiding light,

Your love and support shine so bright.

Thank you for all you do,

I am forever grateful to you."

2. "In your arms, I found my strength,

In your words, I found my truth.

Thank you, dear parents, for everything,

Your love is my eternal youth."

3. "A parent's love is pure and true,

In everything they say and do.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for being there,

Your love is beyond compare."

4. "Through every trial, you stood by me,

Your love and wisdom set me free.

Thank you, dear parents, for all you've done,

In your arms, I find my home."

5. "In your eyes, I see my worth,

In your embrace, I find my mirth.

Thank you, dear parents, for all you give,

In your love, I truly live."

6. "Parents are the pillars of our life,

Through joy and sorrow, through peace and strife.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for all you do,

Your love and sacrifices are forever true."

7. "In your care, I found my way,

In your love, I found my stay.

Thank you, dear parents, for all you are,

Your love shines like a guiding star."

8. "To my parents, my heroes so dear,

Your love and guidance I hold near.

Thank you for all you've done and do,

I am forever grateful to you."

9. "In your love, I find my peace,

In your wisdom, my worries cease.

Thank you, dear parents, for all you share,

Your love is beyond compare."

10. "To my parents, my rock and my shield,

In your love, my heart is healed.

Thank you for all you've given me,

Your love is my eternal key."

Above is Poems and sayings to thank your parents.

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