Police dispatcher sayings

1. "Unit 10-4, copy that."

2. "All units, be advised, we have a 10-50 (accident) on Main Street."

3. "Dispatch to all units, we have a 10-33 (emergency) in progress, respond code 3."

4. "Unit 5, can you provide a status update on your current location?"

5. "Dispatch to all units, be on the lookout for a suspect matching the description of a white male, 6 feet tall, wearing a black hoodie."

6. "Unit 7, please respond to a noise complaint at 123 Maple Avenue."

7. "All units, we have a possible 10-20 (location) of a stolen vehicle, please respond."

8. "Dispatch to all units, we have a 10-91 (request for backup) at the corner of Elm and Pine."

9. "Unit 3, please provide a status update on the domestic disturbance call."

10. "All units, be advised, we have a 10-79 (bomb threat) at the local school, proceed with caution."

Above is Police dispatcher sayings.

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