Polish sayings before drinking
1. "Na zdrowie!" (To your health!)
2. "Wypijmy za to, co nas łączy, nie za to, co nas dzieli." (Let's drink to what unites us, not what divides us.)
3. "Wino poprawia nastrój, ale nie rozwiązuje problemów." (Wine improves the mood, but doesn't solve problems.)
4. "Gdzie wódka wchodzi, tam rozum wychodzi." (Where vodka enters, reason departs.)
5. "Kto nie pije, ten nie żyje." (He who doesn't drink, doesn't live.)
6. "Kieliszek wina na dzień, to zdrowie i uśmiech na twarz." (A glass of wine a day brings health and a smile to the face.)
7. "Kto umie pić, ten umie żyć." (He who knows how to drink, knows how to live.)
8. "Trzeba pić, bo woda jest zdrowa." (One must drink, because water is healthy.)
9. "Kto pije z nami, nie pije sam." (He who drinks with us, doesn't drink alone.)
10. "Kieliszek przed, kieliszek po, to zdrowie w życiu twoim będzie pro." (A glass before, a glass after, your health in life will be better.)
Above is Polish sayings before drinking.