Popular icelandic sayings

1. "Þetta reddast" - This phrase roughly translates to "It will all work out in the end" and reflects the Icelandic attitude of resilience and optimism in the face of challenges.

2. "Þú ert að fara eins og kettirnar í kringum heitann graut" - This saying means "You are walking like the cats around the hot porridge" and is used to describe someone who is being evasive or indecisive.

3. "Það er ekki allt gull sem glóir" - Translating to "Not all that glitters is gold," this saying serves as a reminder to look beyond appearances and not be deceived by superficial things.

4. "Þetta er eins og að leita að nál í heyhaug" - This phrase, meaning "It's like looking for a needle in a haystack," is used to describe a situation that is difficult or nearly impossible.

5. "Gott fólk deyr aldrei" - Translating to "Good people never die," this saying reflects the Icelandic belief in the enduring impact of kind and virtuous individuals.

6. "Það er langt í ljós" - This saying, meaning "It's a long way to the light," is used to convey that there is still a lot of work or effort required before reaching a desired outcome.

7. "Það er betra að vera einn frekur en með slæma félaga" - Translating to "It's better to be alone than with bad company," this saying emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with positive influences.

Above is Popular icelandic sayings.

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