Popular irish phrases and sayings

1. "May the road rise up to meet you." - A traditional Irish blessing wishing someone good fortune and success in their endeavors.

2. "Top of the morning to you." - A friendly greeting often associated with Irish culture.

3. "Luck of the Irish." - Refers to the supposed good fortune and luck that Irish people possess.

4. "Sláinte!" - A common toast in Irish culture, meaning "health" or "cheers."

5. "The craic was mighty." - Refers to a fun and enjoyable time or experience.

6. "Sure, it'll be grand." - A phrase used to express optimism and a laid-back attitude towards a situation.

7. "Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla cliste." - Translates to "Broken Irish is better than clever English," emphasizing the importance of preserving the Irish language.

8. "Soft day, thank God." - A phrase often used to describe typical Irish weather, which can be misty or drizzly.

9. "A wet bird never flies at night." - A humorous way of saying that something is obvious or self-evident.

10. "Tá sé saor in aisce." - Translates to "It's free of charge," a useful phrase to know when traveling in Ireland.

Above is Popular irish phrases and sayings.

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