Powder puff sayings

1. "Fluff up and shine on!"

2. "Puff, puff, pass the positivity!"

3. "Powder puff perfection!"

4. "Fluff it up, buttercup!"

5. "Puff away the negativity!"

6. "Powder puff power!"

7. "Fluff up your day!"

8. "Puff up and slay!"

9. "Powder puff princess vibes!"

10. "Fluff it, love it, own it!"

Above is Powder puff sayings.

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Beauatif7l arabic sayings

1. الصبر مفتاح الفرج (Patience is the key to relief)2. العقل زينة الرجل (Intelligence is the adornment of a man)3. الحب أعمى والزواج يفتح العيون (Love is blind, but marriage opens the eyes)4. الصديق وقت الضيق (A friend in need is a friend indeed)5. العلم نور (Knowledge is light)6. الجمال جمال الروح

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Engraved plaques with sayings

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Persistence quotes and sayings

1. Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence. - Colin Powell2. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer3. The only limit to our realizat

Recognition sayings

1. A little recognition goes a long way.2. Recognition is the greatest motivator.3. Acknowledgment is the first step towards success.4. Recognition is the fuel that drives motivation.5. Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.6. A pat o