Prophecy sayings

1. "The future is written in the stars, but it is up to us to shape our destiny."

2. "The winds of change are blowing, and with them comes both challenge and opportunity."

3. "In the darkest hour, the light of hope will shine the brightest."

4. "The key to unlocking your true potential lies within your own heart."

5. "The path ahead may be treacherous, but with courage and determination, you will prevail."

6. "The threads of fate are woven together, connecting us all in ways we may not yet understand."

7. "The wheel of fortune turns, bringing both joy and sorrow in its relentless cycle."

8. "Listen to the whispers of the universe, for they hold the secrets of your true purpose."

9. "The past is a guide, the present a gift, and the future a mystery waiting to be unraveled."

10. "Trust in the journey, for even in the midst of chaos, there is a plan unfolding."

Above is Prophecy sayings.

Ravens fans sayings

1. In Ozzie we trust.2. Purple reign.3. Fear the flock.4. Play like a Raven.5. Defend the nest.6. Nevermore.7. Purple and black attack.8. Ravens nation.9. Baltimore tough.10. Birdland pride.

Sayings on ramadan 2017

1. Ramadan is not just about fasting, it's about self-discipline, spiritual reflection, and connecting with Allah.2. In Ramadan, the gates of heaven are opened, the gates of hell are closed, and the devils are chained.3. Ramadan is a time to purify the soul, refocus on faith, and seek forgivene

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1. Lest we forget.2. In honor of those who served and sacrificed.3. We will remember them.4. Their courage and sacrifice will never be forgotten.5. Honoring the heroes who fought for our freedom.6. We remember and honor the brave souls who gave their all.7. Their bravery and sacrifice w