Prophet muhammad sayings about allah

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said many things about Allah, emphasizing His attributes, mercy, and guidance. Here are a few sayings of Prophet Muhammad about Allah:

1. "Allah is kind and loves kindness in all matters." (Sahih Bukhari)

2. "Allah is One and likes unity." (Sahih Bukhari)

3. "Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty." (Sahih Muslim)

4. "When Allah loves a servant, He tests him." (Tirmidhi)

5. "Allah is with those who restrain themselves." (Quran 16:128)

6. "Allah is the Best of Planners." (Quran 8:30)

These sayings reflect the Prophet's teachings about the nature of Allah as a merciful, just, and loving God.

Above is Prophet muhammad sayings about allah.

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