Pukeko sayings

Here are some sayings related to pukekos:

1. "As busy as a pukeko in a swamp."

2. "Proud as a pukeko strutting its stuff."

3. "Chatty as a pukeko squawking in the reeds."

4. "Graceful as a pukeko dancing on the water's edge."

5. "Curious as a pukeko exploring its surroundings."

6. "Bold as a pukeko standing tall in the marsh."

7. "Adaptable as a pukeko in changing environments."

8. "Resourceful as a pukeko finding food in the mud."

9. "Majestic as a pukeko spreading its wings."

10. "Independent as a pukeko wandering on its own path."

Above is Pukeko sayings.

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