Regret sayings and regret quotes wise old sayingswise old sayings

1. "Regret is a waste of time and energy. You can't change the past, but you can shape the future." - Unknown

2. "Regret is a feeling that you have when you know you could have done better." - Unknown

3. "Regret is a powerful emotion, but it can also be a great teacher." - Unknown

4. "Regret is the worst emotion. It's like a poison that slowly kills you from the inside." - Unknown

5. "Regret is like a ghost. It haunts you, but you can't touch it or change it." - Unknown

6. "Regret is the feeling you get when you realize you missed out on something great." - Unknown

7. "Regret is a sign that you have learned something from your mistakes." - Unknown

8. "Regret is a bitter pill to swallow, but it can also be a catalyst for change." - Unknown

9. "Regret is the feeling that you have when you realize you let fear hold you back." - Unknown

10. "Regret is a reminder that we are human, and we all make mistakes." - Unknown

Above is Regret sayings and regret quotes wise old sayingswise old sayings.

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