Rest in peace quotes and sayings for a friend
1. "Gone but never forgotten. Rest in peace, my dear friend."
2. "May you find eternal peace in the arms of the angels. Rest in peace."
3. "Your memory will always be a blessing. Rest in peace, my friend."
4. "In the hearts of those who loved you, you will always be alive. Rest in peace."
5. "Your light will continue to shine in our hearts. Rest in peace, dear friend."
6. "May the memories of our time together bring comfort to those you left behind. Rest in peace."
7. "You may be gone from our sight, but you will never be gone from our hearts. Rest in peace, friend."
8. "The world is a little dimmer without your presence. Rest in peace."
9. "Your spirit will live on in the laughter and love you shared with us. Rest in peace, dear friend."
10. "You were a true friend in every sense of the word. Rest in peace, until we meet again."
Above is Rest in peace quotes and sayings for a friend.
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