Retro sayings

1. "Groovy, man!"

2. "Far out!"

3. "Radical!"

4. "Don't be a square."

5. "Cool beans."

6. "Right on!"

7. "That's the bee's knees."

8. "Catch you on the flip side."

9. "Gag me with a spoon."

10. "As if!"

Above is Retro sayings.

Bulletin board sayings for fall

1. Fall into autumn with gratitude and joy.2. Leaves are falling, autumn is calling.3. Pumpkin spice and everything nice.4. Autumn leaves and pumpkin please.5. Sweater weather is better together.6. Fall in love with the season.7. Harvest blessings and cozy nights.8. Falling leaves, fa

Oma sayings

1. A stitch in time saves nine.2. Every disappointment is a blessing in disguise.3. The early bird catches the worm.4. Patience is a virtue.5. You reap what you sow.6. Actions speak louder than words.7. Where there's a will, there's a way.8. Don't count your chickens before they hatch

Sayings about planting

1. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. - Chinese Proverb2. To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. - Audrey Hepburn3. A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. - Greek Proverb4. The true meaning

Sayings about christmas presents

1. It's not the gift, but the thought that counts.2. The joy of giving is the greatest gift of all.3. Christmas is not as much about opening presents as opening our hearts.4. The best present one can hope for is to be present.5. The magic of Christmas is found in the smiles of those we love

Funny tagalog quotes sayings

1. Ang buhay ay parang gulong, minsan nasa ibabaw ka, minsan naman nasa ilalim. Kaya mag-ingat ka baka ikaw ang masalo.2. Kapag may tiyaga, may nilaga. Pero kapag wala kang tiyaga, baka mapaso ka lang.3. Huwag kang magpakatanga sa taong hindi ka naman mahal. Mas mabuti pang magutom kaysa magpak

Mr potato head sayings

1. I'm all ears!2. I'm a-peeling!3. I'm a real spud!4. I'm a hot potato!5. I'm a chip off the old block!6. I'm a couch potato!7. I'm a small fry!8. I'm a mashed-up mess!9. I'm a real potato head!10. I'm a real tuber!

Short sad life quotes sayings

1. Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot. - Charlie Chaplin2. The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies, it comes from those you trust the most. 3. Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations

Bisaya sayings about education

1. Ang edukasyon dili mabawi sa bisyo. (Education cannot be taken away by vices.)2. Ang kahibalo dili madukot sa kahoy. (Knowledge cannot be stolen like wood.)3. Ang kahibalo, yuta sa kadaugan. (Knowledge is the land of victory.)4. Ang pagtuon, yuta sa kalamboan. (Learning is the land of pro

Remembrance sayings for deceased

1. Gone but never forgotten.2. Forever in our hearts.3. In loving memory.4. You will always be remembered.5. Your memory lives on.6. Rest in peace, dear one.7. You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten.8. Your spirit lives on in our hearts.9. We will cherish the memories we s

Sanskrit sayings on death

1. मृत्युः सर्वहरश्चाहम् (Death is inevitable for all beings)2. जीवनं जहाति जीवितं मरणं जीवितं जहाति (Life leaves the living, death leaves life)3. जीवनं जीवितं च मरणं मरणं च जीवितम् (Life is living and death is dying)4. अन्तकाले च मामेव स्मरन्मुक्त्वा कलेवरम् (Remember me at the time of deat