Rick and morty sayings and meanings

1. "Wubba lubba dub dub" - This phrase is often said by Rick and is meant to convey a sense of distress or sadness. It is later revealed in the show that it actually means "I am in great pain, please help me" in an alien language.

2. "Get schwifty" - This phrase is used by Rick and Morty as a call to action or a way to encourage others to let loose and have fun. It's often associated with dancing and partying.

3. "Existence is pain" - This saying reflects Rick's nihilistic worldview and his belief that life is inherently meaningless and full of suffering.

4. "Don't think about it" - This phrase is often used by Rick to dismiss difficult or uncomfortable thoughts or emotions. It reflects his tendency to avoid confronting his own emotions or the consequences of his actions.

5. "And that's the way the news goes" - This phrase is used by characters in the show to acknowledge and accept the unpredictable and chaotic nature of life.

6. "I'm pickle Rick!" - This iconic line is from an episode where Rick turns himself into a pickle to avoid family therapy. It has become a symbol of Rick's resourcefulness and ability to think outside the box.

7. "Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV." - This quote from the show reflects the existential themes explored in Rick and Morty, highlighting the absurdity of life and the importance of finding meaning and enjoyment in the present moment.

Above is Rick and morty sayings and meanings.

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