Romanian proverbs and sayings

1. "Cine se scoală de dimineață, departe ajunge." (He who rises early in the morning, goes far.)

2. "Nu lăsa pe mâine ce poți face azi." (Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today.)

3. "Cine seamănă vânt, culege furtună." (He who sows the wind, reaps the storm.)

4. "Cine se aseamănă se adună." (Birds of a feather flock together.)

5. "Cine se uită în urmă, nu merge înainte." (He who looks back, does not move forward.)

6. "Fiecare pas greșit te apropie de cel corect." (Every wrong step brings you closer to the right one.)

7. "Cine nu muncește, nu mănâncă." (He who does not work, shall not eat.)

8. "Vorba multă, sărăcia omului." (Too much talk leads to poverty.)

9. "Cine se teme de lup, nu se duce în pădure." (He who fears the wolf, should not go into the forest.)

10. "Cine nu are, să caute; cine are, să păstreze." (He who does not have, should seek; he who has, should keep.)

Above is Romanian proverbs and sayings.

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