Russian sayings about friendship

1. "Друг познается в беде." (A friend is known in trouble.)

2. "С друзьями и в горе легко." (With friends, even in sorrow is easy.)

3. "Скажи мне, кто твой друг, и я скажу, кто ты." (Tell me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are.)

4. "Дружба — это как звезды на небе, их не видно в ясную погоду, но они всегда есть." (Friendship is like stars in the sky, they are not visible in clear weather, but they are always there.)

5. "С друзьями можно и в рай, а без них и в рай не весело." (With friends, you can be in paradise, but without them, even paradise is not fun.)

Above is Russian sayings about friendship.

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