Russian wedding ring sayings

Here are some common sayings and meanings associated with Russian wedding rings:

1. "Три кольца - одна любовь" (Three rings - one love): This saying symbolizes the unity and interconnectedness of the three interlocking rings in a Russian wedding ring, representing the bond of love between the couple.

2. "Три кольца - три жизни" (Three rings - three lives): This saying suggests that each ring in the Russian wedding ring represents a different stage in the couple's life - past, present, and future.

3. "Кольцо без начала и конца" (A ring without a beginning or an end): This saying highlights the eternal nature of the Russian wedding ring, symbolizing the unending love and commitment between the couple.

4. "Три кольца - три обещания" (Three rings - three promises): This saying signifies the promises of love, loyalty, and commitment that the couple makes to each other when exchanging Russian wedding rings.

These sayings reflect the deep symbolism and significance of Russian wedding rings in representing the bond and commitment between a couple.

Above is Russian wedding ring sayings.

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