Sad day quotes and sayings

1. "Sometimes, the worst days are the ones where you have to pretend everything is okay."

2. "Even on the darkest days, there is always a glimmer of hope."

3. "Sadness is a part of life, but it doesn't have to define you."

4. "In the midst of sadness, remember that tomorrow is a new day."

5. "The sun will rise again, even on the saddest of days."

6. "Sadness is temporary, but the strength you gain from overcoming it is permanent."

7. "It's okay to not be okay. Allow yourself to feel your emotions."

8. "The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow."

9. "Sadness is like a storm, it will pass and the sun will shine again."

10. "Even on the saddest days, remember that you are stronger than you think."

Above is Sad day quotes and sayings.

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1. Tis the season to be shopping!2. Shop 'til you drop!3. All I want for Christmas is a full shopping cart.4. May your shopping be merry and bright.5. Shop now, stress less later.6. Christmas shopping: the most wonderful time of the year.7. Shopping is my cardio during the holidays.8.

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Quran sayings in urdu

1. اور ہم نے قرآن کو آسان زبان میں نازل کیا ہے تاکہ تم سمجھ سکو (القرآن، سورة القمر، آیت ۲۲)2. اللہ کی یاد میں دل کو سکون ملتا ہے (القرآن، سورة الرعد، آیت ۲۸)3. اور جو شخص قرآن کو پڑھے گا اور اس پر عمل کرے گا، اس کے لئے انعام ہوگا (القرآن، سورة الکہف، آیت ۱۰۷)4. اور جو شخص قرآن کو سنے گا اور