Sad sayings for a arrow through a heart

1. "Love pierced my heart, leaving me broken and bleeding."

2. "The arrow of love struck deep, leaving a wound that may never heal."

3. "My heart is a battlefield, pierced by the arrow of betrayal."

4. "The pain of love's arrow is a constant reminder of my shattered heart."

5. "The arrow of love struck true, leaving me with a heart full of sorrow."

6. "The wound from love's arrow is a scar that will never fade."

7. "I carry the weight of love's arrow in my heart, a burden too heavy to bear."

8. "The arrow of love left a hole in my heart that can never be filled."

9. "The sting of love's arrow is a reminder of the pain of lost love."

10. "My heart bleeds from the wound of love's arrow, a constant ache that never fades."

Above is Sad sayings for a arrow through a heart.

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