Sayings about being depressed

1. "Depression is like a dark cloud that follows you everywhere you go."

2. "In the depths of depression, even the smallest tasks can feel like climbing a mountain."

3. "Depression is a silent battle fought within the depths of one's own mind."

4. "The weight of depression can make even the simplest of days feel like a heavy burden."

5. "Depression is like being trapped in a room with no windows and no doors."

6. "In the midst of depression, it can feel like the world is moving on without you."

7. "Depression is a thief that steals your joy and leaves you with emptiness."

8. "The darkness of depression can make it hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel."

9. "Living with depression is like walking through a storm that never seems to end."

10. "Depression is a battle that is fought not with weapons, but with courage and resilience."

Above is Sayings about being depressed.

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