Sayings about bullies

1. "A bully is like a cloud, blocking out the sunshine of kindness and compassion."

2. "Bullies are like weeds in a garden, choking out the beauty and growth around them."

3. "Bullies are small-minded individuals who try to make themselves feel big by tearing others down."

4. "Bullies are like a storm, causing chaos and destruction wherever they go."

5. "Bullies may seem strong on the outside, but inside they are weak and insecure."

6. "Bullies thrive on fear and intimidation, but they crumble in the face of courage and resilience."

7. "Bullies are like shadows, lurking in the darkness and preying on the vulnerable."

8. "Bullies are like a poison, spreading negativity and toxicity wherever they go."

9. "Bullies may have power in the moment, but kindness and empathy will always prevail in the end."

10. "Bullies are like a mirror, reflecting their own insecurities and fears onto others."

Above is Sayings about bullies.

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