Sayings about bullying

1. "Bullying is a cowardly act that shows the weakness of the bully, not the victim."

2. "The only way to stop bullying is to stand up against it, united and strong."

3. "Bullying is a cycle of hurt that can only be broken with kindness and compassion."

4. "Bullies are just insecure individuals who try to bring others down to feel better about themselves."

5. "Don't let the words of a bully define who you are, rise above and show your true strength."

6. "Bullying is a sign of a lack of character, not a sign of strength."

7. "The scars left by bullying may fade, but the impact on a person's self-esteem can last a lifetime."

8. "In a world where you can be anything, choose to be kind and stand up against bullying."

9. "Bullying is a silent killer of self-esteem, but speaking up can be a powerful weapon against it."

10. "The real power lies in standing up for others who are being bullied, not in being a bystander."

Above is Sayings about bullying.

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