Sayings about loving your children

1. "A parent's love for their child is unconditional and knows no bounds."

2. "Having a child is like having your heart walk around outside your body."

3. "The love between a parent and child is a bond that can never be broken."

4. "A child may outgrow your lap, but they will never outgrow your heart."

5. "The love a parent has for their child is the purest form of love there is."

6. "A parent's love is a guiding light that leads their child through life's journey."

7. "To love a child is to see the world with new eyes and a full heart."

8. "The love between a parent and child is a love that lasts a lifetime."

9. "A parent's love is the greatest gift they can give to their child."

10. "Loving your child is not a choice, it's a privilege and a blessing."

Above is Sayings about loving your children.

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