Sayings about mercenaries

1. "Mercenaries have no loyalty, only a price."

2. "A mercenary's allegiance lies with the highest bidder."

3. "In the world of mercenaries, trust is a rare commodity."

4. "Mercenaries are like mercenaries, always looking out for themselves."

5. "For a mercenary, war is just another job."

6. "Mercenaries may fight for gold, but they leave a trail of blood in their wake."

7. "Beware the mercenary, for their loyalty can be bought and sold."

8. "Mercenaries are the hired guns of the battlefield, with no allegiance but to their own survival."

9. "In the world of mercenaries, morals are a luxury few can afford."

10. "A mercenary's code is written in gold, not honor."

Above is Sayings about mercenaries.

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