Sayings about not needing friends

1. "I'd rather be alone than surrounded by fake friends."

2. "I don't need friends who only stick around when it's convenient for them."

3. "I am content with my own company, I don't need friends to feel complete."

4. "I'd rather walk alone than with a crowd that doesn't appreciate me."

5. "I am my own best friend, I don't need anyone else to validate me."

6. "True strength is being able to stand alone without relying on others for support."

7. "I don't need friends who bring drama into my life, I prefer peace and solitude."

8. "I am comfortable in my own solitude, I don't need friends to fill a void."

9. "Quality over quantity, I'd rather have a few true friends than a bunch of superficial ones."

10. "I am self-sufficient and independent, I don't need friends to define my worth."

Above is Sayings about not needing friends.

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Sayings about helth

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