Sayings about people being poison

1. "Beware of those who spread poison with their words, for their toxicity can seep into your soul."

2. "Some people are like poison, slowly poisoning your mind and heart with their negativity."

3. "A toxic person is like a poison that slowly destroys everything good in your life."

4. "Just as poison can be deadly to the body, toxic people can be deadly to the spirit."

5. "Be careful of those who come disguised as friends but are actually poison to your well-being."

6. "Negative people are like poison, draining your energy and happiness with their toxicity."

7. "Avoid those who spread poison, for their venomous words can infect your thoughts and emotions."

8. "Toxic people are like poison, contaminating everything they touch with their negativity."

9. "Just as poison can kill the body, toxic relationships can kill the soul."

10. "Don't let toxic people poison your mind and heart, for their influence can be destructive."

Above is Sayings about people being poison.

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