Sayings about people pretending to not see others struggle

1. "Turning a blind eye to someone's struggles only reveals the blindness of your own heart."

2. "Pretending not to see someone's pain doesn't make it disappear, it only deepens their suffering."

3. "Ignoring someone's struggles doesn't make you stronger, it makes you complicit in their pain."

4. "Those who choose to look away from the struggles of others are often the ones who need to see the most."

5. "The true measure of a person's character is how they respond to the struggles of others, not how they ignore them."

6. "Pretending not to see someone's struggles is a cowardly act that only perpetuates the cycle of suffering."

7. "It takes courage to acknowledge someone's struggles and offer support, but it takes even more courage to turn a blind eye."

8. "The greatest kindness we can show is to see someone's struggles and offer a helping hand, not to pretend they don't exist."

9. "Those who turn a blind eye to the struggles of others are often the ones who need compassion the most."

10. "Ignoring someone's struggles may make you feel more comfortable in the short term, but it only adds to the burden they carry."

Above is Sayings about people pretending to not see others struggle.

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