Sayings about putting a smile on your face

1. "A smile is the best accessory you can wear."

2. "Smile, it's free therapy."

3. "Smile, it's contagious."

4. "A smile is the universal language of kindness."

5. "Smile, it's the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart."

6. "Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles."

7. "Smile, it's the curve that sets everything straight."

8. "A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear."

9. "Smile, it confuses people who wish you to be unhappy."

10. "Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about."

Above is Sayings about putting a smile on your face.

Buffalonian sayings quotes

1. You can take the Buffalonian out of Buffalo, but you can't take Buffalo out of the Buffalonian.2. In Buffalo, we don't just survive the winter, we embrace it.3. When in doubt, just add more hot sauce.4. Buffalonians don't just love chicken wings, we live for them.5. Don't mess with a Buf

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1. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle2. The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. - Audrey Hepburn3. Love is not about how much you say 'I love you,' but how much you can prove that it's true. - Unknown4. Love is a friendship set to music. - Joseph

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Quotes and sayings about everything tumblr

1. In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take. - Unknown2. Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile. - Unknown3. Sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply

Paramedic humor sayings

1. I'm like a paramedic, but for your bad jokes.2. I'm here to save lives and make terrible puns.3. Paramedics: because even superheroes need heroes.4. Saving lives one bad joke at a time.5. Paramedics: the real first responders to your dad jokes.6. I'm not just a paramedic, I'm a pun-med

Famouse two word sayings

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Old meanings sayings

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