Sayings about silent dangerous people

1. "Beware the quiet ones, for they are the ones who hold the most power."

2. "Silence is not always a sign of weakness; it can also be a sign of great strength."

3. "The most dangerous person in the room is often the one who says the least."

4. "Silent waters run deep, and so do silent individuals."

5. "The calmest person in the room may also be the most dangerous."

6. "Silence can be a weapon in the hands of those who know how to wield it."

7. "Watch out for the quiet ones, for they are the ones who observe everything and say nothing."

8. "Silent people are like a loaded gun - you never know when they might go off."

9. "The most dangerous enemy is the one who keeps their intentions hidden behind a mask of silence."

10. "In a world full of noise, beware of those who choose to remain silent."

Above is Sayings about silent dangerous people.

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