Sayings about step dads

1. "Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a stepdad."

2. "A stepdad is a man who didn't have to be there, but chose to be."

3. "Stepdads are like real dads, only cooler."

4. "Stepdads may not have given you life, but they sure can make your life better."

5. "Stepdads are the unsung heroes of blended families."

6. "Stepdads may not have been there from the beginning, but they are there for you now."

7. "Stepdads are the bonus dads that come into our lives and make them better."

8. "Stepdads are the men who choose to love and care for someone else's child as their own."

9. "Stepdads are proof that family is not defined by blood, but by love and commitment."

10. "Stepdads are the anchors that hold blended families together."

Above is Sayings about step dads.

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