Sayings and where they came from

1. "Bite the bullet" - This saying originated from the practice of having soldiers bite on a bullet during surgery in the absence of anesthesia. It was believed that biting on a bullet would help distract the soldier from the pain.

2. "Break the ice" - This saying comes from the literal act of breaking ice to create a passage for ships. It is now used metaphorically to describe breaking the tension or awkwardness in a social situation.

3. "Burning the midnight oil" - This saying refers to working late into the night or early morning hours. It originated from the practice of using oil lamps or candles to work late into the night before the invention of electric lighting.

4. "Cat got your tongue?" - This saying is used to ask someone why they are not speaking or have suddenly become quiet. Its origin is uncertain, but it is believed to have originated in the 19th century as a playful way to prompt someone to speak up.

5. "Don't cry over spilled milk" - This saying advises against worrying about things that have already happened and cannot be changed. It likely originated from the idea that crying over spilled milk is a waste of time and energy.

6. "Raining cats and dogs" - This saying is used to describe heavy rain. Its origin is uncertain, but one theory suggests that it may have originated from the Norse myth of Odin, the god of storms, who was often depicted with dogs and wolves.

7. "The early bird catches the worm" - This saying emphasizes the importance of being proactive and starting tasks early. It likely originated from the observation that birds that wake up early are more likely to find food.

8. "You can't judge a book by its cover" - This saying cautions against making assumptions about someone or something based solely on appearance. It likely originated from the practice of binding books in elaborate covers to attract buyers, regardless of the content inside.

Above is Sayings and where they came from.

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