Sayings at cia

1. "In God we trust, all others we monitor."

2. "The only easy day was yesterday."

3. "Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver."

4. "We are the silent professionals."

5. "The only thing we fear is running out of coffee."

6. "When in doubt, recruit a spy."

7. "Trust, but verify."

8. "We see all, we hear all, we know all."

9. "Loose lips sink ships."

10. "In the shadows, we protect the light."

Above is Sayings at cia.

Funny happines sayings

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Brown eyes sayings

1. Eyes as brown as the earth, deep and full of wisdom.2. Brown-eyed beauty, with a gaze that captivates.3. In those brown eyes, I see a world of warmth and sincerity.4. The depth of your brown eyes mirrors the depth of your soul.5. Brown-eyed charm, a window to the soul.6. Brown eyes tha