Sayings for a friend who is sad

1. "This too shall pass, my friend. Brighter days are ahead."

2. "You are not alone in this, I am here for you."

3. "Every storm runs out of rain. Hang in there."

4. "You are stronger than you think. You will get through this."

5. "Don't be afraid to lean on me for support. I've got your back."

6. "It's okay to not be okay. Take your time to heal."

7. "You are loved, you are valued, and you are important."

8. "Remember, tough times don't last, but tough people do."

9. "You are worthy of happiness and peace. Don't give up."

10. "I believe in you and your ability to overcome this. You are resilient."

Above is Sayings for a friend who is sad.

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