Sayings for facebook about swearing and being a good person

1. "Swearing doesn't make you cool, but being kind and respectful does."

2. "You can express yourself without using foul language. Choose kindness instead."

3. "Words have power, so choose them wisely. Be a good person, not just a loud one."

4. "Swearing may feel good in the moment, but being a good person feels even better in the long run."

5. "Being a good person is more than just avoiding swear words. It's about how you treat others."

6. "Swearing may get attention, but kindness earns respect."

7. "You don't need to swear to make a point. Let your actions speak louder than words."

8. "Being a good person means choosing your words carefully, even when you're upset."

9. "Swearing may be easy, but being a good person takes effort and integrity."

10. "In a world full of negativity, be the person who spreads positivity without the need for profanity."

Above is Sayings for facebook about swearing and being a good person.

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