Sayings for sweating like a

- "Sweating like a pig"

- "Sweating like a sinner in church"

- "Sweating like a racehorse"

- "Sweating like a glass of water in the desert"

- "Sweating like a marathon runner"

- "Sweating like a sauna"

- "Sweating like a waterfall"

- "Sweating like a steam engine"

- "Sweating like a melting candle"

- "Sweating like a polar bear in the tropics"

Above is Sayings for sweating like a.

Cute masks sayings

1. Smiling behind the mask2. Masked and fabulous3. Keep calm and mask on4. Masked and magical5. Masked but still smiling6. Masked and marvelous7. Masked and loving it8. Masked and magnificent9. Masked and beautiful10. Masked and happy

Never look a gift horse in the mouth associated sayings

1. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.2. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.3. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.4. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.5. Easy come, easy go.6. Beggars can't be choosers.7. Gratitude is the best attitude.8. Take what you can get.9.

Sayings about being hot

1. Feeling hot, hot, hot!2. On fire with passion.3. Sizzling like the summer sun.4. Bringing the heat.5. Smoking hot.6. Setting the room on fire.7. Burning up with desire.8. Scorching hot.9. Radiating heat.10. Hotter than a jalapeño.

Retirement sayings to add to a card

1. Retirement is not the end of the road, it's the beginning of a new journey.2. The best is yet to come in this new chapter of your life.3. Enjoy your retirement and the freedom it brings.4. Retirement: where every day is a Saturday!5. Wishing you a relaxing and fulfilling retirement.6.

Funny vape sayings

1. I vape so I don't choke on my own bullshit.2. Vape like nobody's watching, but everyone is judging.3. Vape 'til you can't see straight, then vape some more.4. I don't always vape, but when I do, I look like a dragon.5. Vaping: because life is too short to smell like an ashtray.6. Vape

Sayings anti christmas

1. Christmas is just a commercialized holiday that promotes materialism.2. The true spirit of Christmas is lost in a sea of consumerism.3. Christmas is a time of stress and financial burden, not joy and peace.4. The pressure to buy gifts and participate in holiday traditions can be overwhelmi

Sublimation sayings

1. Rise above the ordinary.2. Transform your energy into something beautiful.3. Elevate your thoughts and actions.4. Turn your dreams into reality.5. Let your true self shine through.6. Transcend limitations and reach new heights.7. Embrace change and grow stronger.8. Find beauty in t

Biker for all things through christ prayers sayings

Here are some prayers and sayings for bikers who find strength and guidance through their faith in Christ:1. Lord, as I ride through life's twists and turns, guide me with your wisdom and protect me with your love. Amen.2. May the road rise up to meet me, and the wind be always at my back, as I j

Beautiful sayings about being a mother

1. A mother's love is like a beacon, guiding her children through life's stormy seas.2. A mother's arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.3. Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.4. A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else c

Sayings about two faced friends

1. A two-faced friend is like a two-headed snake, ready to strike from both sides.2. Beware of the friend who smiles to your face but stabs you in the back.3. A true friend will never speak ill of you behind your back, unlike a two-faced friend.4. Two-faced friends are like shadows, they foll