Sayings imam ali nahjul balagha

1. "Patience is of two kinds: patience over what pains you, and patience against what you covet."

2. "The most complete gift of God is a life based on knowledge."

3. "The most complete of the believers in faith is the one whose behavior is the best, and the best among you are those who are the best to their wives."

4. "Silence is the best reply to a fool."

5. "Your remedy is within you, but you do not sense it. Your sickness is from you, but you do not perceive it."

6. "He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare, and he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere."

7. "The best deed of a great man is to forgive and forget."

8. "A fool's mind is at the mercy of his tongue and a wise man's tongue is under the control of his mind."

9. "Do not be a slave to others when Allah has created you free."

10. "The best way to defeat your enemy is to make him your friend."

Above is Sayings imam ali nahjul balagha.

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