Sayings like piece of cake
1. Easy as pie
2. A walk in the park
3. Like taking candy from a baby
4. A breeze
5. Like shooting fish in a barrel
6. Child's play
7. Like falling off a log
8. Like a hot knife through butter
9. Smooth sailing
10. Like clockwork
Above is Sayings like piece of cake.
1. Age is just a number, it's the wisdom and experience that truly matter.2. The older you get, the better you get, unless you're a banana.3. Growing old is a privilege denied to many, so cherish each day.4. Age wrinkles the body, but kindness wrinkles the soul.5. Youth is a gift of nature,
1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. (الجمال في عين من ينظر)2. A beautiful face is a silent recommendation. (الوجه الجميل دعوة صامتة)3. Beauty without virtue is like a rose without scent. (الجمال بلا فضيلة كالوردة بلا عطر)4. Beauty is a light in the heart. (الجمال نور في القلب)5. Beauty
1. Festina lente - Make haste slowly2. Velocitas et celeritas - Speed and swiftness3. Citius, altius, fortius - Faster, higher, stronger (Olympic motto)4. Aquila non captat muscas - The eagle does not catch flies (meaning focus on important things, not trivial matters)5. Sic itur ad astra
Here are some famous sayings attributed to Augustus Caesar:1. I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.2. I came, I saw, I conquered. (Veni, vidi, vici)3. Make haste slowly. (Festina lente)4. The greatest rewards come to those who bring great benefits to many others.5. It
1. Two wrongs don't make a right.2. Right as rain.3. Right on the money.4. Right up my alley.5. Right as two left shoes.6. Right on target.7. Right place, right time.8. Right as a trivet.9. Right as a fiddle.10. Right as rain, clear as day.
1. I'm out like a scout with a sprout on a route.2. Catch you on the flip side of a pancake.3. Gotta bounce like a rubber ball in a room full of cats.4. I'm off like a prom dress in a tornado.5. Time to hit the road like a toad on a unicycle.6. I'm ghosting out of here like a phantom in a
1. Càit a bheil thu a' dol? - Where are you going?2. Tha mi duilich - I am sorry.3. Is mathaid leam - I like it.4. Chan eil ach beagan Gàidhlig agam - I only have a little Gaelic.5. Tha an t-uisge a' tuiteam - The rain is falling.6. Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig - I am learning Gaelic.7
May the wind be at your back is a traditional Irish blessing that is often used to wish someone good luck or success in their endeavors. It is a way of expressing hope that things will go smoothly and easily for the person being addressed.
Here are some popular mountain biking sayings along with some pictures:1. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. - Albert Einstein2. The best views come after th
1. Make it simple, but significant.2. Success comes from standing out, not fitting in.3. You are the product. You feeling something. That's what sells.4. Change is neither good nor bad, it simply is.5. You want some respect? Go out and get it for yourself.6. Advertising is based on one th