Sayings meaning in punjabi

Here are some common sayings in Punjabi along with their meanings:

1. "Jithe dekho tithe hi" - Wherever you look, there you are.

2. "Changi gal kar" - Speak good words.

3. "Jado jeha kar" - Do as you wish.

4. "Dil vich vasna" - To reside in the heart.

5. "Jee aayan nu" - Welcome.

6. "Chak de phatte" - Go for it.

7. "Rab rakha" - God bless you.

8. "Koi gal nahi" - It's okay, no problem.

9. "Mehnat kar, kamai kar" - Work hard, earn well.

10. "Jind mahi" - Life is sweet.

These sayings are often used in everyday conversations and reflect the cultural values and beliefs of the Punjabi community.

Above is Sayings meaning in punjabi.

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