Sayings of ahlulbait as on marraige

1. Imam Ali (as): "The best of you are those who are best to their wives."

2. Imam Hassan (as): "The best of sustenance is a good wife."

3. Imam Hussain (as): "The best women are those who are loving, caring, and supportive of their husbands."

4. Lady Fatimah Zahra (as): "The foundation of a successful marriage is built on love, respect, and communication."

5. Imam Zainul Abideen (as): "A successful marriage requires patience, understanding, and forgiveness."

6. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (as): "Marriage is a sacred bond that should be nurtured with kindness, compassion, and loyalty."

7. Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as): "A happy marriage is a partnership based on mutual respect, trust, and cooperation."

8. Lady Zainab (as): "In marriage, it is important to always strive to be the best version of yourself for your spouse."

9. Imam Ali al-Ridha (as): "A successful marriage is a reflection of the love and mercy that Allah has bestowed upon us."

10. Imam Mahdi (as): "May Allah bless all marriages with love, harmony, and peace."

Above is Sayings of ahlulbait as on marraige.

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